The web version does not work correctly, for a better experience install the game!

WASD - To Move , Mouse - Camera
LMB - Attack, RMB - Super Attack
Space - Jump , LeftShift - Sprint

About the Game

In this game, you'll be clearing levels, but unlike typical games of this genre, every action you take will lead to a loss of health.  Your character is a water sphere, and your health is represented by the water level.  By detaching a part of yourself, you can launch small water orbs at enemies to defeat them. Running will also drain your HP, just try running with a full basin of water in your hands - impossible to not spill a drop! Your character also possesses a powerful attack that shoots water orbs from above around you! And don't forget, the less HP you have, the less damage you deal! Keep an eye on your HP level so you don't die prematurely! :D

Team (Mandarinka Development):
Mandarin4ik_0 - Programmer/UI Designer/Sound Designer
IceCube31 - Sound Designer/Level Designer
MagicOfEditing - 3D Designer

the game was developed for Micro Jam 018: Water (48 hours)


All Life Is Water.7z 26 MB
All Life Is Water Installer.exe 28 MB

Install instructions

1. zip archive - just unpack and run All Life is Water.exe

2. installer - run installer, select folder and start installing.


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It looks like a gift from God

If your camera does not work, go to the settings and adjust the sensitivity, we apologize for the inconvenience!
Sorry guys, we didn’t have time to optimize the web version(
(1 edit)
